Monday, June 16, 2014

The clowns have it

Clowns usually entertain me, but sometimes they scare me. I got over my reluctance to start drawing and went to work. Pick up a pencil or pen and join me.

The next Artist Trading Card swap I’ll attend this month is about clowns. So I set out to make a set of clowns to make me smile. I am sure some folk at the group will proffer scary and demented clowns like those featured in horror movies. Somehow those clowns turn me off. I like joyful things and get enough adrenalin from them that I don’t pursue the horrific images that are so popular.

I looked online for real clowns, ones in circuses, the ones I saw in my childhood that used to pile out of a small car, run around the ring honking horns playing tricks on one another and otherwise entertaining their audience. They might spray seltzer water on one another or other tricks we boys could imagine doing to our playmates. We’d laugh and point and enjoy. Those are the kinds of clowns I like.

But for me to become a clown? No, becoming one would really seem a mis-match to my personality or interests. I don’t like to put on makeup, or hit my face with a powder filled sock, or get things in my eyes, wear ill-fitting clothing, or be the butt of the pranks of other clowns. I have enough friends who do like those kinds of things. I’ll stay just as I am. But I did enjoy drawing clowns for next week’s trade. 

Hope you enjoy looking at them. You might try making a few yourself.

While we’re on clowns and ATC’s, plan to attend the Denver County Fair. There will be a booth where you can try your own hand at making ATCs. All the supplies are there for free! And we’re looking for more artists who want to trade. Don’t be scared; just join the other clowns there for fun.

Also at the fair will be a display of ATCs by quite a few local artists.

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